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Timberline Marathon & Half Marathon

June 11 & 12, 2016   Timothy Lake, Oregon

Get ready for the most picturesque marathon and half marathon trail running course in the Pacific Northwest! The Timberline Half Marathon completely circles shimmering Timothy Lake on single track trails that are absolutely a runner’s dream. This gem is nestled at 3,000 feet in the high Cascades and the views of Mt. Hood across the lake are extraordinary. Complete two loops for the marathon course.

Runner’s traverse three rustic bridges over sparkling tributaries that feed the deep blue waters of the lake. The course is full of small elevation changes and twists and turns making it very interesting and challenging. Every finisher gets a custom medal and commemorative race technical shirt. The Timberline Marathon and Half Marathon is a must for any runner’s calendar!

Be sure to pre-register for a rejuvenating post-race massage! Details are at the bottom of this page.

Registration –  Registration is limited to the first 400 participants each day. This is a very popular race so sign up as early as you can. We do not maintain a waiting list. Online registration closes June 8, 2016 at 11:59PM Pacific. Mail-in registration must be received by June 6, 2016.

Please read carefully before registering.

You have three registration options:

1) Marathon – Saturday

2) Half Marathon – Saturday

3) Half Marathon – Sunday

Please select the correct registration option if you intend to run with friends or family on the same day.

You must be able to complete the course within 6 1/2 hours for the marathon and 4 hours for the half marathon for safety reasons. Walkers are not permitted to register for the marathon due to course support constraints. Walkers are welcome in the half marathon.

All sales are final. Refunds and transfers are not allowed under any circumstances.

Entry Fees

until 3/1 until 5/1 after 5/1


Half marathon..$55…..$65….$75

Online processing is a small additional fee.

For online registration

click image below

For mail-in registration

click image below


Start Times –

Saturday Marathon 8:30AM

Saturday Half Marathon 10:00AM

Sunday Half Marathon 9:30AM

The start and finish for all races is at Clackamas Lake Ranger Station.

Packet Pick-up –  Packet pick-up for Saturday runs will be from 7:00AM – 10:00AM and Sunday will be from 8:00AM – 9:30AM at the start/finish area at Clackamas Ranger Station near the lake. Please see Race Packets below for important information.

Awards – Awards will be presented to the top three male and female finishers. Age groups awards will be presented three deep on each of the following age ranges: 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 and over. All participants will receive a commemorative Timberline Marathon technical shirt and a custom FINISHER MEDAL.

Directions – Take Oregon Highway 26 to Skyline Road 42. Follow Skyline Road 42 for approximately 11 miles. Turn towards Clackamas Lake. The parking area begins about 1/2 mile ahead. There is an area map you may download below. There are other ways to get to the event but you are responsible for getting your own road condition reports and for the consequences of the route you select.

Parking – Event parking is located along Skyline Road 42 just south of Clackamas Ranger Station near the start/finish area. Parking is shown on the course map which may be viewed and downloaded from this web page. DO NOT park in any campgrounds unless you are a registered guest. DO NOT park anywhere along Skyline Road 42 north of Clackamas Ranger Station or your vehicle will be towed.

Course Support –  Participants are required to carry their own nutrition and hydration supplies. There will be three aid stations on the course with water and Gatorade – as well as refreshments in the finish area. Racers may refill hydration containers at the aid stations. If you are allergic to bee stings, it is strongly advised that you carry your emergency medication with you. This is a remote location and medical facilities are a long way away.

Half Marathon course is 14.4 miles. Marathon course is 26.09 miles.

Race Packets

Race packets will include your race bib and safety pins. The timing tag is integral to the race bib and does not need to be returned. A course map, area map, course aid station distances and event schedule/information and rules are available for you to download below.

Course Map

Area Map/Driving

Schedule, Information and Rules

Course aid station distances

Massage after your competition can help in the recovery process and focuses mainly on restoring circulation. What a great way to congratulate yourself after a demanding day! A team of licensed massage therapists will be available after the race for either table or chair massages – depending on what muscles need attention. We highly recommend massage services be pre-paid when you register online, or with your mail-in entry. Race day payment may be made with cash or check.

15 minute massage

$17 pre-paid

$20 race day

30 minute massage

$34 pre-paid

$40 race day

Rogue Multi-Sport, LLC is a permitee of the Mt. Hood National Forest.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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